Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's a little bit funny...this feeling insiiiiiide

Yes, the title is a line from an Elton John song that is currently on the list of songs that are making me cry along with:

"Someone Like You"  Adele (ok, this song is a little stalkerish, but please, Adele, never get happy!  Your pain is our gain!)
"Brighter Than Sunshine"  Aqualung (yes, I made the mistake of listening to B and I's first dance song in my weakened emotional state...4 times in a row just this morning)
"The Itsy-Bitsy Spider"  (ok, I'm not even going to try and explain this one)

What I really wanted to talk about when I wrote that title was cantaloupe's gymnastic abilities of late.  Elton John was on the right track because it's more than a little bit funny, this feeling inside!  I think we may have the next Mary Lou Retton (She's a 10!) baking inside of me for all of the somersaults and flips I've been feeling lately.  When there is even the slightest sign of movement (which sometimes sadly just turns out to be gas), I stop everything I'm doing and just sit as still as possible until it's over.  I can't concentrate on anything while the Cirque du Soleil is performing....not work, definitely not homework, and least of all any story that B is trying to tell me (p.s. he tells the LONGEST stories ever).  All I can do is sit there and think "holy crap, there is really something living in there - I don't just have a large bee sting on my belly!"  I think a classmate of mine whose wife is also pregnant summed it up best last night when he said "there is a parasite inside of you - I have no idea how you even have the brainpower to get out of bed in the morning."

Hopefully cantaloupe gets a little bit stronger soon so B can feel everything from the outside.  I hate not being able to share this with him yet, but then again, he didn't share those 18 weeks of morning sickness with me either, maybe I deserve this all to myself for just a little bit.


p.s.  Baby, when you are 12 months old, we are going to have you hang from a broom by your hands to test your gymnastic potential.  This is what the Romanians do.  They also ship their kids off to live at the gym when they're like 5, but we still have some time to think about that.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 20 - Cantaloupe minus the listeria

20 weeks - half way!

The leaves are falling, cantaloupe is kicking, and those Johnson & Johnson "a baby changes everything" commercials are making me a big cry baby!  Today, cantaloupe's crib and dresser were delivered and even though we don't have room in our current apartment to take them out of the boxes, we are so excited.  I tried to convince B that we should put the crib together and let Daisy sleep in it, but he didn't think that was a great idea.

Speaking of Daisy, she has been quite the little snuggler lately.  It's like she knows her time as the baby of the family is coming to an end, and she is soaking up all of the attention she can get.  At night, she wants to sleep up in between our heads on the pillows and during the day she's either laying at our feet or curled up next to us on the couch.  I think she's just happy that I'm not spending so much time in the bathroom as I was when she had to lay outside the door and stand watch.  That made her pretty anxious - haha!  We've been practicing a new trick that hopefully I'll be able to unveil on here next week.  Let's just say that she's going to be a good big sister!


p.s.  Baby, I can't stop looking at Halloween costumes for babies!  Did you know they make tiny hot dog costumes?  Everyone knows Momma loves hot dogs!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Baby Killed My Brain

I have been sitting in the library computer lab for almost 45 minutes and have successfully strung together two sentences of my eight page paper I am attempting to write.

"I want fried chicken.  I wonder if I can lean my forehead against the computer screen and write my paper by osmosis."

I don't think I'll be able to actually keep either of those in the final draft of my paper: "Social Emotional Learning and the Emotional and Behavioral Disabled Child."  UGH!  Where did my focus and drive go?  I'll tell you where it went...down the drain with my svelte bod and acne free skin.  The baby is making me STOOPID!

It is kind of funny to walk around the library all pregnant and stuff.  Since there isn't a large population of grad students or PhD candidates hanging out on campus, I get the weirdest looks from the younguns.  I've had very polite young men hold doors for me, offer to carry stacks of books for me, and give up their places on the elevator.  Next thing I know they're going to be offering to escort me across the street like some 80 year old granny with a walker!  I kind of want to wear a name tag that says "Yes, I'm old and pregnant, but I'm a married grad student - it was planned!"

I better go, I think I just came up with sentence number three.

"I have to pee." 


p.s.  Baby, while attending a baby shower for a friend over the weekend, I overheard some other expectant mothers talking about the books they are reading to their bumps.  I hope you like journal articles titled, "Building inclusive education on social and emotional learning challenges and perspectives - a review" because that is what I will be lulling you to sleep with tonight.  Who needs "Goodnight Moon" when you've got this not at all zzzz inducing material?!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't Stop Believin', Baby F

OMG - Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Journey.  If you know B and I at all, you know that Don't Stop Believin' is "our song".  I can't wait to pump this up on the stereo...I mean, softly play this as sweet potato drifts off to sleep.  Enjoy!


p.s.  Baby, I hope they're still playing this song at Harry's when we take you there for your 21st birthday.  Daddy and I will embarrass the crap out of you...out of love of course!

Not America's Next Top Fetus Model

The weather here is downright miserable!  Overnight it turned cold and rainy - yuck.  Of course, hoping to avoid any delays, I booked the absolute first appointment available (8 AM) for my monthly checkup this morning.  Let's just say that B and I stayed up way too late last night watching Friends on Nick @ Nite and chatting about how nervous and excited we were to see the baby again on the ultrasound at the appointment.  So, the thought of seeing sweet potato's face was the only thing that pulled us out of bed and into the wet dreary Chicago morning.

At our last ultrasound, sweet potato was an absolute rock star.  Elite Modeling actually sent us a contract that's how photogenic the little thing was.  We couldn't wait to see some more adorable thumb sucking pictures and share them with everyone.  Unfortunately, a bit of my stubborn streak was apparent in our little model this morning.  (Hey, at least I know something of me is in there!  It's really my kid!)  I had felt lots of wiggling around this morning, so I wasn't surprised to see that little sweet potato was basically standing up in the womb with arms waving in the air.  Here's the best picture of the bunch:

Ok, I'm not one to sugar coat, so here it goes:  this is not a cute picture.  In fact, this picture scared the crap out of B and I!  We joked about this being an alien baby, but we didn't really want it to so closely resemble one!  At least sweet potato has clearly already picked out his/her Halloween costume (skeleton...duh) so we won't have to worry about fighting anyone over the last Snow White costume at Target.  The other pictures are equally frightening.  Luckily, the "whoosha, whoosha, whoosha" of the heartbeat washed all the weird thoughts away.  We could've sat in there and listened to that all day long.  Also, relief set in when the doctor told us that everything looked good and all body parts were accounted for.  I was so nervous that she would slip and tell us the gender of the baby, but she didn't, and the secret is still safe.  Per usual, our immature selves wanted to giggle every time she said genitalia - ha - parts of us will never grow up!


p.s. Baby, we are half-way to meeting you!  Your crib and dresser is being delivered next week, and our apartment is already filling up with everything you related.  We're doing everything to make sure that we're ready for your arrival.  Now, you just keep doing your part and keep growing and maybe put some fat on.  Visible spines are so out these days.  Yes, I will always have something to say about the way you look.  Get used to it.  Love you, Momma.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Goodnight, Sweet Potato

Eighteen weeks and Sweet Potato says, "GO TIGERS!"


Babysitters Club

Look who got some practice with a sweet little boy last night....

We had an absolute blast taking care of this little man while his parents attended a wedding.  After taking care of him problem free and remembering his mother's problem free pregnancy, I am pretty sure our kid is going to be a little crazy devil.


p.s.  Baby, I don't care if you are a crazy little long as you grow up to support your parents...just kidding!!  You are supposedly about 5 1/2 inches long right now and squirming around like crazy.  If I match your movements to the music playing in the car, you love Frankie Valli (no surprise there) and hate Ke$ha (good kid).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Week Anniversary!

To best explain the first seventeen weeks of my pregnancy, I will quote my favorite tv dad of all time.

"It was the most I ever threw up, and it changed my life forever."  Homer Simpson

Yes, Homer, I couldn't have said it better myself.  But today is not a day to look back on those dark days.  Today is a day to celebrate!  It has been exactly one week since the last time I wasted $12 on a Corner Bakery panini only to lose it later in the day.  I've turned some sort of corner, and knock on wood, I'm feeling pretty good!  Ok, I'm still heavily medicated with nauseau meds, but now they're actually working!  Ahh to feel like a human being again.  B and I even left the house for three seperate social events over the weekend.  I mean, who do I think I am?

I never thought I would be so happy to stop carrying my travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste in my life.  Thanks, future Fleming, for giving Momma a break. 


p.s.  Baby, we registered for everything we think we're going to need to take care of you at Babies R Us and The Land of Nod on Saturday.  It only took us 2 1/2 hours and several frantic phone calls and texts to my one lucky friend who is already a mother.  When we got home, we put our feet up and pulled out a newborn diaper and wondered at the tiny size of it.  How does something that small need so much stuff to take care of it?  I grew up on a farm, and baby pigs just came out and started walking around and hanging out all "what's up" and stuff.  Humans are so much work, but I know you'll be worth it :-)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Good evening, onion!

Seventeen weeks

I'm wearing maternity jeans today- yikes!
