Did you know that pregnant women's minds turn to complete mush? I just had someone ask me the abbreviation for Idaho, and I had to look it up! I seriously find myself not being able to make a complete sentence several times a day. Thank the lord for Google and the fact that I'm not currently taking any classes. My educational debate ready mind of a few months ago now only wants to watch videos of cats trying to fit into boxes, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XID_W4neJo, and reruns of Beverly Hills 90210. Poor B is getting better conversations out of Daisy than his own wife!
Mushy brain matters aside, this morning I woke up...wait for it...HUNGRY!!! I thought maybe Alien Baby (AB for short), my endearing nickname for what is growing inside of me, was just playing a cruel joke on me, so I took it easy and just had a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter for breakfast. I 95% expected meal this to reappear later this morning like most of my meals do lately, but I managed to keep it down all the way to work, and walked into my office looking and feeling like a normal human being.
10 minutes went by, 15, then 20, and I still felt good. When my boss stopped by on his way to Dunkin Donuts, I decided to tag along. After the walk across the street, I decided to press my luck, and I ordered a cake donut and a big fruit punch Gatorade. As soon as that donut hit my hand, I ripped into it and before I knew what was happening, I had devoured the entire thing before even leaving the store! My boss looked at me with his mouth half open in complete awe at what I'd just done. I think I blacked out from excitement I was so happy to be hungry and eating!
No matter how the rest of the day goes, thank you, AB, for giving me that small moment with that donut this morning. It was totally worth that cheese debacle yesterday - I'm sorry, I'll never forget that you hate gouda again.
p.s. Baby, next week I have an appointment to have another ultrasound. I was mesmerized by the sight of your beating heart last time. This time Daddy and I may actually get to hear it. I'm counting down the days until we get to see you again. Mama love you so much!
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