As I go about my day to day life, I often jot down ideas for blogs, and then sit down and flesh them out later when I have the time. Today, I'm just moving forward with writing down three random thoughts/experiences I've had in the past few days without dedicating an entire post to them them because I'm pregnant, and I don't use that excuse enough.
1. It's SNOWING in Chicago! Huge beautiful flakes have been coming down since 10 AM, but it's just now beginning to stick. I love when it snows in Chicago because I get to enjoy it without having to drive in it! Also, Daisy gets to wear her cute red snow coat and boots, which just gives me the giggles thinking about. When we put them on her, she gives us that "Moooooommmmm, Daaaaaaddddd" look that I know squash will be throwing our way in the years to come.
2. MATERNITY UNDERWEAR IS SO BIG AND GROSS! I finally gave in yesterday and bought some larger maternity clothes to get me through these last 8 weeks. I took a "what you need to pack for the hospital" list with me to Target just to pick up anything I might not have. When I got to the maternity underwear line, I was slightly puzzled. Somehow I had never heard of such a thing. Don't you just buy bigger underwear? Anyways, I went to the intimates department and looked around until I found a whole rack of these undergarments and OH, HOT GEEZ, they were disgusting. Blech - I just can't talk about them anymore. Blech.
3. I'm taking one class this quarter to finish up all my credits before student teaching starts in the Fall. My final class takes place on March 6th. My due date is March 10th. Um...awesome. I may have mentioned this to my professor last night, and she looked at me and dryly said "as long as you don't have that baby in my classroom, we will figure something out." Later in the class it came across pretty clearly that she doesn't have any kids, she doesn't really like kids, and that theory just for the sake of theorizing is more interesting to her than theory in practice on kids. I hear you loud and clear, Prof. I will keep my kid as far away from you and your classroom as possible. My biggest nightmare has now gone from my water breaking on the train to my water breaking in her presence.
p.s. Baby, last night Daddy made chop suey for dinner. It was delicious, but I'm pretty sure you did not care for it. You had the hiccups for almost an hour after I finished eating. Luckily for you, once you're here and Daddy makes something you don't like, you can just slide it under the table to that living garbage disposal we call Daisy. She eats everything.
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