Check me out! 39 weeks pregnant and busting out of the largest outfit I own, but also using our sweet new camera, or attempting to use it since the lighting in all of these pics is just a little off.
You'd think from that smile on my face that I'd have good news to share from my doctor's appointment this afternoon, but that's not the case. It wasn't actually bad news (I know I'm extremely lucky to be healthy and to have had a healthy pregnancy), but I haven't progressed any since last week. Cervix is softer and thinner but I'm not dilated any further. After all those contraction on Wednesday, this really came as a shock to me. The doctor is still optimistic that I'm going to do it on my own without having to be induced, but it could still be weeks. So, what did I do after finding out this news? Did I cry? Did I eat the kitchen again? Did I punch my doctor? Well, I wanted to do all of the above, but instead, I came home and did this:
Sorry if that's too much pregnant belly for any of you, but that shirt was seriously cutting off my circulation. I laid like this, watched 8 episodes of Property Brothers and ate a can of pineapple while it alternated between thunderstorms and snow outside. Not a bad afternoon after all. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I'm sure B was prepared for a complete and total meltdown, but I've decided there has to be a reason that watermelon is still in there, and I'm going to just trust in that. And, no, I'm not drunk.
I have one paper left to write for my class, so B has convinced me that watermelon knows this and is waiting for me to finish up before he/she arrives and complicates my life. Guess what I'm going to spend my Saturday doing tomorrow?! My Philosophy of Assessment, you're going down!
p.s. Baby, guess what?
But, you really do need to get here before St. Patrick's Day because we bought you a really cute outfit, and I already took the tags off. So, please take that into consideration when hatching your escape plan.
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