Thursday, March 1, 2012


Yesterday afternoon through early morning today, I really thought we had reached the end of our journey.  Contractions were coming in strong and regular at about 15-20 minutes apart.  I thought for sure this was it and tried my best to get a good nights sleep.  Instead I laid awake a majority of the night watching the clock and trying to decide if that contraction was stronger than the one before it.  Sometime after 4 AM, I actually fell asleep and woke up to Daisy licking my hand around 8:30 AM.  Wait, how did I fall asleep - what happened to those contractions?  Why are they getting weaker and farther apart?  In desperation, I went for a long walk, but that did nothing.  Ugh.  They completely stopped.

Then, I ate the kitchen.  Seriously. 

Also, I decided to not take a shower.  For the past few weeks, I've been extremely crazy about making sure I take a shower/wash my hair/shave my legs every single morning just in case that's the day that I head to the hospital.  So, trying some reverse psychology (and really just wanting to pout), I stayed in my sweats and ponytail with no makeup on alllll day.

And that didn't work, plus B told me twice that I didn't look very good.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that my face now looks like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.  Looks like it will be more pineapple with hot sauce for dinner tonight eaten bouncing on an exercise ball!


p.s.  Baby, look who went to the beauty parlor yesterday!

Daisy went in for a haircut, and when the groomer found out she was about to become a big sister, they tied a little bow on her collar!  In this picture she is sitting right next to your crib, and this is where she spends a lot of her time.  I'm not sure why we even got a baby monitor because lord knows at your first whimper, Daisy is going to be all up in our faces telling us to take care of that baby.  I'm still hoping we can somehow teach her to change diapers.  She needs to start carrying her weight around the house.

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