Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Month

Dear Gracie,
Yesterday you turned one month old.

This picture of you is quite deceiving since you spent most of yesterday screaming at the top of your cute little lungs.  In fact, you held this pose for precisely .2 seconds - long enough to basically wink at me as if you were just screaming for fun and could stop at any time if you wanted to.  It only took those .2 seconds for me to forget that I hadn't taken a shower and was wearing a seriously breast milk stained shirt and fall in love with you all over again.  I do that probably around 50 times every single day.

I didn't realize that within just one month you would already be changing from a sack of flour that I loved to snuggle on my chest to your own little person.  You recognize Daddy and I's voices and faces over anyone else's (something that brings tears to my eyes almost every time), you have different cries for different things you want, and you smile several times a day in a social way and not in a I have gas or involuntary facial muscle spasm way.  I think you like us!

So far, you seem to love the following things: being swaddled, listening to The Randy Rogers Band, falling asleep with Daddy on the couch, watching Daisy with a concerned look on your face, saving all your blow out diapers for Daddy, being covered in kisses by your Grandpas, and sleeping in your car seat for hours after we actually take you out of the car.

Big events in your life this month:  being born (duh), taking your first stroller trip to the lake, meeting lots and lots of family members, holding your head up for ten seconds during tummy time, your first road trip to Indiana, and your first glimpse of your future boyfriend, Austin.

I can't even explain how much joy you have brought to us, Gracie girl.  It's only been a month and I can't remember what our lives were like before you. 


Photograph...All I've got is a photograph

I'm so sad that when I just googled the lyrics to Photograph by Def Leppard that the lyrics for Photograph by Nickleback came up first.  Ugh.  Nickleback makes my skin crawl.

Dimple Dee Do!

Anyways, for anyone looking for an update, I've got a little something for you!  Here is a link to our Grace Elizabeth photo collection on Flickr:  We're trying to separate pictures out by week and update them every few days so that you can watch Gracie grow.  It's amazing how much she has already grown and changed.  This morning when I went in to get her out of her crib and wipe the crusty spit up off her face and the back of her head (seriously, there is nothing better to ruin your breakfast appetite than cleaning spit up out of your newborns ear in the morning!), I just stood and stared at her.  She grew two inches and put on 1 pound overnight - I'm sure of it!  How did that beautiful little human being ever fit inside of me?  The stretch marks on my stomach are yelling at me "We know how she fit in there!" right now.

I'm going to continue to write in this blog now that things have settled down a little bit.  I'm not sure at what frequency I'll be updating, but there will be something new to check out at least once a month.  I love setting low expectations!!
