Monday, September 17, 2012

Six Months

Dear Gracie,

Kitten, you were six months old last week!  Due to my computer catching a virus, your letter is a little bit late this month.  Sorry about that, but if you're old enough to read this, you already know that things in our house always get done....just not always exactly on time.  You being born the day before your due date was one of the only times I've ever been early for anything!

There you are, already bored with the task at hand and looking towards your next adventure.  You started out your sixth month with a growl.  One day while happily jumping up and down in your jumparoo trying out new sounds, a low "grrrrrrrrrrrrr" came out of your mouth amidst the usual squeals and shrieks.  It sounded just like a dog, and I couldn't believe that noise came out of you.  You smiled that adorable toothless grin at me and did it again, "grrrrrrrrrr."  I couldn't stop laughing.  Then, later that night, you kept doing it for Daddy and I, and we were on the floor cracking up.  The more we laughed, the more you growled.  Then, you started growling while nursing, and in the bathtub, and in bed at night, and in your highchair, and so on and so on, and it was no longer that cute.  In fact, in Target an older woman stopped in the aisle to say hello to you, and you growled at her, quite loudly.  She took a step back as if she'd been bitten.  I think you were offended that she didn't find you amusing, and the growling (thank goodness) came to an end some days later.
You want to be a big girl helper.  During the same trip to Target that you acted like a possessed child towards an old lady, you also decided you wanted to start pushing the cart for me.  Strapped onto my chest in your Baby Bjorn, you clamped your hands down on the shopping cart.  I can take my hands off, keep walking, and you do all the work!  I knew I'd be putting you to work someday making me hot dogs and filing my nails, but you're already pulling your own weight around here!  Other things you enjoy helping me do include:  holding (and chewing on) the grocery list at the store, holding my keys or Daisy's leash during morning walks,   taking off my glasses and pulling my hair out of my ponytail (ok, that one is not exactly helpful and actually hurts a little), and taking your own socks off any chance you get.  Hopefully this doesn't mean you're going to start asking for an allowance soon.
Not only do you help Momma out, but without even knowing it, you help Daisy too.  Something about being around you just makes Daisy feel safe.  Anytime there is a storm or fireworks or any other loud noises at night, she wants in your room with you.  She will sit outside of your door and whine until we let her in there.  Then, she trots right over to your crib to make sure you're ok, and then curls up next to you.  One night we let her in there and then forgot all about her until we went to bed and checked the monitor and saw her blinking eyes in the dark.  Your face lights up when she runs into the room, and she loves covering your face and toes with wet kisses.  It just warms my heart to see you two laying together on the floor.  My two girls!
Just like I predicted last month, you are the valedictorian of eating solids!  You have mastered whole grain cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, pears, and green beans.  Once you decided you were ready to eat, girl, were you ever ready to eat!  If Daddy and I don't shovel the food into your  mouth fast enough, you grunt and get red in the face.  So impatient, but I understand.  Daddy gets like that when he's hungry too.  The snacks in the diaper bag are for him - not you.
You tried so many new things this month.  You went to the park for the first time and Daddy pushed you in the swing and went down the slide with you.  It was a sunny day, and your wide brimmed hat was about the only thing peeking up over the edge of the swing, and Daddy kissed your toes every time you swung towards him.  It must have been exhausting for you because it wasn't long before you were falling asleep on my shoulder, all tuckered out.  You took your first trip to Wrigley Field to watch a baseball game.  You started sleeping in child's pose with your booty up in the air, and I love seeing you like that in the morning.  You look so peaceful and warm cuddled up to your blanket, that I want to climb into that crib with you and curl up.  You started scootching across the floor like an inchworm using your head.  I can't even explain this - it sort of looks like break dancing.  I'm sure we'll embarrass you with a video of it someday - probably in front of your boyfriend right before you go to Prom.  You are sitting up on your own and like to stand up holding on to the coffee table by yourself.  You play peekaboo, grab your feet and put them in your mouth, and love to be tickled under the chin.  You want to do it all, and you giggle the entire time.
In the midst of all of these changes, I went back to work.  For ten weeks I will be student teaching at a nearby elementary school, and you will be staying home with Daddy.  I'm sure someday the topic of whether your Mom stays home with you or not will come up with you and your friends.  When it does, I want you to know that I am doing this so that you will be proud of me.  I want you to know that you should never settle for something in your life that makes you unhappy.  There is always another option, and when it doesn't feel like there is, I will be there to help you find it.  What felt like an earth shattering change to me was barely a tiny blip on your radar.  You were still the same beautiful, adventurous, happy girl when I got home at night.  I smothered you with one million kisses, and you were like "moooooooommmmmmm".
You have changed all of our lives - mine, Daddy's and Daisy's, and I'm not sure what we would do without you now.  Daisy in particular is looking forward to you starting to drop some food on the floor.  Daddy is looking forward to having someone else to have political debates with, and I am looking forward to long walks through the fall leaves.  I predict that month seven will be the best yet!
p.s.  Here are a few outtakes from your photo session with your best friend.  The last one is my favorite.  I love you and your big heart!