Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Baby Killed My Brain

I have been sitting in the library computer lab for almost 45 minutes and have successfully strung together two sentences of my eight page paper I am attempting to write.

"I want fried chicken.  I wonder if I can lean my forehead against the computer screen and write my paper by osmosis."

I don't think I'll be able to actually keep either of those in the final draft of my paper: "Social Emotional Learning and the Emotional and Behavioral Disabled Child."  UGH!  Where did my focus and drive go?  I'll tell you where it went...down the drain with my svelte bod and acne free skin.  The baby is making me STOOPID!

It is kind of funny to walk around the library all pregnant and stuff.  Since there isn't a large population of grad students or PhD candidates hanging out on campus, I get the weirdest looks from the younguns.  I've had very polite young men hold doors for me, offer to carry stacks of books for me, and give up their places on the elevator.  Next thing I know they're going to be offering to escort me across the street like some 80 year old granny with a walker!  I kind of want to wear a name tag that says "Yes, I'm old and pregnant, but I'm a married grad student - it was planned!"

I better go, I think I just came up with sentence number three.

"I have to pee." 


p.s.  Baby, while attending a baby shower for a friend over the weekend, I overheard some other expectant mothers talking about the books they are reading to their bumps.  I hope you like journal articles titled, "Building inclusive education on social and emotional learning challenges and perspectives - a review" because that is what I will be lulling you to sleep with tonight.  Who needs "Goodnight Moon" when you've got this not at all zzzz inducing material?!

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