Thursday, October 13, 2011

Not America's Next Top Fetus Model

The weather here is downright miserable!  Overnight it turned cold and rainy - yuck.  Of course, hoping to avoid any delays, I booked the absolute first appointment available (8 AM) for my monthly checkup this morning.  Let's just say that B and I stayed up way too late last night watching Friends on Nick @ Nite and chatting about how nervous and excited we were to see the baby again on the ultrasound at the appointment.  So, the thought of seeing sweet potato's face was the only thing that pulled us out of bed and into the wet dreary Chicago morning.

At our last ultrasound, sweet potato was an absolute rock star.  Elite Modeling actually sent us a contract that's how photogenic the little thing was.  We couldn't wait to see some more adorable thumb sucking pictures and share them with everyone.  Unfortunately, a bit of my stubborn streak was apparent in our little model this morning.  (Hey, at least I know something of me is in there!  It's really my kid!)  I had felt lots of wiggling around this morning, so I wasn't surprised to see that little sweet potato was basically standing up in the womb with arms waving in the air.  Here's the best picture of the bunch:

Ok, I'm not one to sugar coat, so here it goes:  this is not a cute picture.  In fact, this picture scared the crap out of B and I!  We joked about this being an alien baby, but we didn't really want it to so closely resemble one!  At least sweet potato has clearly already picked out his/her Halloween costume (skeleton...duh) so we won't have to worry about fighting anyone over the last Snow White costume at Target.  The other pictures are equally frightening.  Luckily, the "whoosha, whoosha, whoosha" of the heartbeat washed all the weird thoughts away.  We could've sat in there and listened to that all day long.  Also, relief set in when the doctor told us that everything looked good and all body parts were accounted for.  I was so nervous that she would slip and tell us the gender of the baby, but she didn't, and the secret is still safe.  Per usual, our immature selves wanted to giggle every time she said genitalia - ha - parts of us will never grow up!


p.s. Baby, we are half-way to meeting you!  Your crib and dresser is being delivered next week, and our apartment is already filling up with everything you related.  We're doing everything to make sure that we're ready for your arrival.  Now, you just keep doing your part and keep growing and maybe put some fat on.  Visible spines are so out these days.  Yes, I will always have something to say about the way you look.  Get used to it.  Love you, Momma.


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