Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 9 - no, rewind

Today is Wednesday.  I should be one more week along in my pregnancy and introducing you to the new fruit/veggie that we will be calling our baby this week.  Key word, should.

Last Thursday, B and I went to see my doctor for our first ultrasound.  I don't know why, but I was so nervous I barely slept the night before.  We've started breaking down some financial stuff, and I think that might've been what actually kept me awake.   Anyways, B met me at the office, and he looked so cute in there sitting amongst the baby and parenting magazines.  Looking at his freshly shaven face, I suddenly felt like we were much too young to be parents - ha!  Finally, they called my name, and back to the ultrasound room we went.

While I patiently laid on the table while the ultrasound tech did her magic, so many things ran through my mind.  I thought about the first time I met B, the moment I knew I wanted to marry him and have his children, and the many empty and disappointing months that had led up to this moment.  I'm not sure what Brad was thinking about, but as soon as the monitor was turned around and we could see the beating heart of our little one, we both reached for the others' hand and held on tight grinning like mad!  There was our baby, safe in my belly, it's heart beating 120 beats/minute.  Boom puddy - boom puddy - boom boom boom.

After we dried our eyes, the tech mentioned that the baby was a bit smaller than what they had expected.  Meaning I was not as far along as we first calculated.  In that moment, we went from a nine week old green olive back back back to a five week and four day old sweet pea!  All at once it hit me, morning sickness is still going to be around for a looooong time. 

We left the office clutching our baby's "first picture", and honestly, I was so happy that we would not have to subject our child to a February birthday! 


p.s.  Baby, Mama got an A on her research proposal!  You were the much needed inspiration in those last few days to finish strong.  Already, everything I do, is for you.

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